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If you want to make learning fun for your little one, you can’t go past ABC Reading Eggs books. Created by expert educators with more than 30 years of experience, ABC Reading Eggs books make those early learning stages fun and exciting for kids. The multi-award-winning resource supports children’s learn-to-read journey with online reading games and activities that are easy to follow, self-paced and – best of all – highly engaging.

Incorporating Reading Eggs books into your child’s daily routine can help prepare them for the same structured learning they will need to succeed and feel confident at school. The ABC Reading Eggs Eggspress is designed to build kids’ skills in reading, comprehension, spelling, vocabulary and grammar. Ideal for children aged seven to 13, the online Reading Eggs Eggspress program is computer, iPad and tablet friendly, so kids can get stuck in anywhere!

With highly engaging online literacy activities and games, children are instantly involved and interested in learning. The range of activities in the Reading Eggs activity books motivates kids to keep coming back for more, completing their lessons, competing against other students, earning rewards and improving their skills.

Plus, for the little number-crunchers, there are the Mathseeds Reading Eggs – a comprehensive online mathematics program for kids aged three to nine, which offers a huge range of lessons and activities to help build their mathematical skills. The Mathseeds Reading Eggs program is packed with fun child-focused activities that make learning a rewarding and meaningful experience.