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The Booker Prize is the leading literary award in the English speaking world, and has brought recognition, reward and readership to outstanding fiction for over five decades. Each year, the prize is awarded to what is, in the opinion of the judges, the best novel of the year written in English and published in the UK and Ireland. It is a prize that transforms the winner’s career.

2023 Booker Prize winner is Prophet Song By Paul Lynch

2023 Winner

Prophet Song by Paul Lynch has been named the winner of the Booker Prize 2023.

Heralded in one review as ‘a crucial book for our current times’, Prophet Song captures some of the biggest social and political anxieties of our age, from the rise of political extremism to the global plight of refugees. Chair of Judges, Esi Edugyan, described the winning book as ‘soul-shattering and true’, adding that readers ‘will not soon forget its warnings’.

Lynch is the fifth Irish author to win the Booker Prize. Paul Lynch said of the book, ‘Prophet Song is partly an attempt at radical empathy. I wanted to deepen the reader’s immersion to such a degree that by the end of the book, they would not just know, but feel this problem for themselves'.